The judgement adopted by the Constitutional Court on 22 December recognizes the current degree of administrative court review regarding fines imposed by the Competition Council of Latvia as…
The Global Forum on Competition takes places from 7th December to 8th December 2017 at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Conference Centre in Paris, France. The forum…
On 5th December, the World Competition Day, the awarding ceremony at the Competition Council is attended by authors of essays, who participated in the essay contest for secondary school pupils and…
On 16 November, during the anniversary conference on promotion of fair competition “Towards fair competition: past, present, tomorrow” former and the current chairpersons of the competition authority…
On 6 October, the Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) adopted a decision to approve UAB Bite Lietuva acquiring of companies of MTG Broadcasting AB Group in Latvia. The CC has applied several…
On 31 August, the Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) adopted a decision regarding prohibited agreements between construction materials retailers and imposed a fine in the amount of 5.8 million…