In 2017, the Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) detected four prohibited agreements in activities of 20 companies and imposed fines in the total amount of 10.1 million euros. The CC issued five…
After provided opinions and discussions about groundless competition restrictions in the draft regulations on promotion of employment and raising qualification of unemployed persons, prepared by the…
In order to provide knowledge necessary for efficient operation of the state and municipalities, and for fair growth of entrepreneurship and safe operation on the market, the Competition Council…
The Competition Council (CC) has developed work priorities of the authority for 2018. The most important priorities will include promoting understanding of market participants and public persons…
In order to discuss the situation on the market due to the rapid decrease of procurement prices of raw milk, the Competition Council (CC) met with the representatives of the dairy industry -…
The Competition Council draws attention to the possibilities of procurement organizers to be the first to spot suspicious coincidences in tenders of applicants, which may indicate to possible…