In the first six months of 2018, the Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) has warned 34 persons because of activities which led to suspicion of prohibited coordination within six episodes of…
On June 26, the Government supported the amendments to the Competition Law, which provides for efficient powers to the Competition Council (the CC) to take actions against distortion of…
On 29 June in Cēsis the Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) invited visitors of widely known Latvian conversation festival “LAMPA” to take part in exciting strategic roleplay “Cartel”, where…
The Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) in a seminar educates representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the State Centre for Defence Military Objects and Procurement (VAMOIC) about alleged…
On 17 May, the Supreme Court adopted the decision, pursuant to which it is stipulated in the competition law of Latvia that parent companies may bear joint responsibility for infringements of…
On 15-16 May, the 15th Baltic Competition Conference takes place in Riga, which is an annual experience exchange event of competition supervisory authorities of three neighbouring countries. In this…