The Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) has prepared an informative material for public administrative bodies.
To eliminate risks of public administrative body groundlessly engaging in…
On 10 July, the Competition Council of Latvia carried out procedural activities – unannounced inspection – at two construction materials selling companies. The authority performed investigation…
The Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) is assessed as the third most active in bid-rigging detection among all jurisdictions in the European Economic Area (EEA), imposing fines in 11 bid-rigging…
The extensive regulation and excessive disclosure of financial and performance indicators have made the compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of motor vehicles (MTPLI) market exceedingly…
The Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) has concluded during the bank customers mobility market study, that majority of Latvian consumers consider switching of banks an expensive, complicated and…
To promote productivity and competitiveness of the economy of Latvia, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommends strengthening powers of the Competition Council of…